Masternode Wallet Setup

Step 1

We need to add the “Masternode Tab” in the $Pac wallet. Click on setting > options
PAC Options

Click on Wallet Tab PAC Wallet

Select “show Masternode tab”

Click OK

Exit the wallet and restart

Step 2

Open a text editor such as notepad or sublime, leave blank to store information.

In your $Pac wallet select > Tools > Debug Console

PAC Wallet

Then select the console tab.

PAC Wallet

Create a masternode genkey by typing:

masternode genkey

PAC Wallet

The Masternode genkey will appear in the console. Copy and paste it to your notepad. Make sure to label it MN1.

Keep all of your information together we will use it later on.

Step 3

Next you will need to send 500,000 $PAC coins to yourself. Click Receive on left menu on under $Pac Logo.

Type MN1 in label box. Type 500000 in the amount box Click request payment. Copy address.

Click Send on left menu on under $Pac Logo.

Paste the request address you just created. Once pasted the Label should automatically say MN1 so you know the coins are going back to your wallet and not to someone else. For a precaution you can double check the first and last few characters on the send address and receive address.

Step 4

Once you have 15 conformations (check by mousing over payment in transaction window) go back to the debug/console window and type:

masternode outputs

and press enter.

Copy the Masternode outputs to your notepad so we can correctly format it for later use.

The code you paste will look like


e4chhijdjjinshhjj65jdkkrjjrjjf7jjs8ejdjjkkdk :1


Now To format the Masternode outputs code remove non-alphanumeric characters (brackets and colon) so it looks like this:

e4chhijdjjinshhjj65jdkkrjjrjjf7jjs8ejdjjkkdk 1

Make sure to keep the “space” at the end between long address and last number.


Get a VPS system for your masternode(s)

I will use vultr for my instructions. Register / login with vultr.

Feel free to use my reflink to signup and receive a bonus w/ vultr:

Deploy a new system

First, create a new VPS by clicking that small “+” button.

VPS creation

Location choice

The location doesn’t matter too much. If in doubt, choose a location near you.

VPS location choice

Linux distribution (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)

Select Ubuntu 16.04 x64.

VPS location choice

VPS size

A decent masternode needs a bit of RAM and some storage space. The $5 instance is good enough.

VPS sizing


Choose a hostname you want and click “Deploy Now”. I called mine :


VPS sizing

Accessing your VPS via SSH

Copy access credentials for SSH access by opening the server details.

VPS sizing

First SSH session

(Windows 7, 8, 9 & 10) Download Putty

Type ypur IP address from vultr into the Hostname and press Open. Putty

An authentication screen may popup something like this (below) press Yes to continue Putty Alert

It will ask for your username so enter:


It will then ask for the password. Copy it across from you Vultr dashboard.

If you are using Putty: To paste your password just click the right mouse button, you will not see anything - it’s normal, press ENTER.

You should end up with a screen like below: Putty Terminal

Masternode script installation

Copy the following and press enter.


Once the script has downloaded type:

chmod +x

Wait for the command to finish then type:


The script will prompt for your external IP address from Vultr. Copy or type it, then press enter.

Then it will ask for the masterenode genkey that you generated earlier. Copy it across and and press enter.

The script downloads, compiles and configures the system now. This will usually take between 5-15 minutes.

Step 5

Now go back to your wallet click Tools > open masternode configuration file.

We want to add in a line with the following details. Pay attention to the spacing:

<Name of Masternode(Use the name you entered earlier for simplicity)> <Vultr IP address>:7112 <The result of Step 2> <Result of Step 4> <The number after the long line in Step 4>

Substitute it with your own values and without the <>’s So it should look like something below:

MN1 PEzekAsRvh9Ej9s6RZLoAi8f265xAYb6kX e4chhijdjjinshhjj65jdkkrjjrjjf7jjs8ejdjjkkdk 1 

Masternode Config

Exit then restart the wallet

Go to masterernode tab

click the “start alias” button click okay to start MN1.

Now to test that everything is up and running. From putty type the following:

./paccoin-cli masternode status

It should output something similar to

  "outpoint": "f5abcdabcdabcdabce4d1ab87a32a8c848d554c935a89b46c3f7cd1fc8b4c-                                                                                                                 1",
  "service": "",
  "payee": "P56742312345678945612345679wXgzXDa6FFydG",
  "status": "Masternode successfully started"

Visit one of the following websites and search for your IP address from Vultr.!masternodes

You should see ypur IP address as Enabled with a status of Activetime.

ActiveTime Node has not been active for more than # of Masternodes * 2.6 minutes

It will take approx 3-4 days before activetime changes and Payable is enabled. You will then be randomlly selected for a masternode payment when you are in the top 10%.

Troubleshooting the masternode on the VPS

If you want to check the status of your masternode, the best way is currently running the paccoin-cli on your VP

start daemon


Stop daemon

./paccoin-cli stop 

Masternode status

./paccoin-cli masternode status
./paccoin-cli getinfo
How to make sure the daemon always runs after errors or server restarts

In putty type the following

nano /etc/rc.local

copy the following lines and press the key down button to paste it just above “exit 0”:

sleep 1
sudo ~/paccoind

Then type CTRL+O -> ENTER -> CTRL+X (to save the changes and exit to command line).

It should look like this

Putty Nano

Useful Websites

